Financial Planning

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

So said the infinitely wise Warren Buffet. But I go on to say that the way to accomplish this is through careful financial planning.

What is Financial Planning?

Financial planning is the art of helping you manage and optimize your money to achieve the financial life you want.

What does that mean?

  • I work with people who like their money to grow.

  • I offer investment advice about different stock market, life insurance, or annuity strategies that we can implement to achieve that goal. 

  • People start out with what they have, and they end up (with discipline and planning) where they want to be... with a goal of multiple income streams.

  • Through preparation and planning you are able to see into your future. 

 And that is what Financial Planning can do for you.

What’s the process?  How does it work?

  • At our first meeting we discuss your short and long-term financial goals.  What do you want your life to be like in retirement?

  • You provide me with your current income and net worth information.

  • As your Investment Advisor, I recommend an investing and accumulation plan to help accomplish your objectives.

  • We implement the investment strategies and protection strategies as discussed and agreed upon.

  • We monitor your progression as we go.  We talk as often as you wish while we build our relationship of trust.  And you can even keep an eye on your accounts using an online portal accessible from your phone.

  • As life changes, I may recommend changes to your plan.  It’s a relationship we build.

What are the Benefits of Using a Financial Advisor and Creating a Financial Plan?

  • Would it be helpful to see into your future?

    • To actually forecast what your social security income will be

    • To estimate what your 401k or pension income will be

    • Discover if there is a gap (a hole) and fill it (because if you make one small change – it can make a big difference)

  • Would it be helpful to learn and implement monthly strategies of taking a dollar amount and turning it into funding for retirement?

  • Or, wouldn’t it be wonderful to take a lump sum and turn it into annual income!?

I enjoy working with people like you who like their money to grow and need the strategies to help implement it.

Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.

-Warren Buffet